• You are feeling yourself shifting and awakening but are unsure what steps to take to fully embody this higher version of yourself

  • You feel ill often, depleted and low energy at times and want to know how to heal your body naturally, clear and protect your energetic field

  • You are a light worker or healer (or aspiring to be) and want to tap into deeper wisdom and teachings to serve the world , and yourself, in more impactful and sustainable ways

  • You want to heal your mind, body and spirit with practices that can lead to a healthier and happier version of yourself

  • You have been on a self development and healing journey for some time, taken courses, gone on retreats and received certifications but you feel the need for more guidance and clarity on how to implement and integrate the teachings into your life

  • Are you wanting to fully heal, remove any resistances getting in the way of creating a life of emotional, physical and spiritual abundance and flow

  • You may be feeling stuck in certain areas of your life and want to cultivate a deeper understanding on where your energy might be blocked 


Book a Connect Call with Angie

Are you Ready to Upscale to

the Next Level of Your Evolution?

Discover ways to increase your awareness, reach higher levels of consciousness, restore your inner powers, and create balance & harmony in your life. 

Over the period of 6-months, you are going to learn Primal Intelligence and how the energy of your conscious and subconscious states influence the way you are living and experiencing life.

At your WILL!

  • You will embark in a journey of inner healing, growth, and expansion.
  • You will learn about your own blockages, limitations, self sabotage, while embracing your brilliance.
  • You will recognize how imbalances within your energy system can be related to illness.
  • You will have the opportunity to understand the true essence of your soul's character, own your creation and manifest the best version of yourself
  • You will learn about the emotional body and how to transmute hidden emotions healthy 

You will learn the power to heal your body, soul and mind and maintain overall wellness 

Remember it all starts with you!

To have a better life, you need to be better!

The Primal Consciousness Program can Help:


✔ Dive deeper into your inner world and healing through ancient teachings, modern techniques and divine guidance

✔ Understand what energetic and emotional blockages you need to work through in order to align with more health, wealth and happiness 

✔ Heal past trauma so you can transcend pain and tap into more purpose and potential 

✔ Clear your energetic body in order to strengthen your mental, emotional and spiritual resilience 

✔ Shift your perspective and perception of yourself, your life and the world so you can feel more hope, faith and peace

✔ Identify old unhealthy patterns and break free from outdated cycles and habits so you can create the life you want

✔ Reclaim your innate power of creation so you can manifest more abundance in all areas of your life

Book a Connect Call with Angie





Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey that goes beyond mere knowledge?

Transform Your Life with the Primal Consciousness Program.


In this sacred 6-month container you will have support from... 


Integrate teachings from ancient and modern practices.

Understanding self-healing and energy bodies.

Healing past trauma and strengthening your energetic body.

Creating self-awareness and breaking unhealthy patterns.

Expanding consciousness and healing ancestral trauma.


Program Highlights:

4 self-paced modules with videos, meditations, and exercises.

  • Bi-Weekly 1:1 mentoring
  • 3 holistic healing sessions with Angie.
  • Special discounts on ceremonies and educational programs


If you are ready to invest in your spiritual journey and align your intentions with true dedication, reach out to us. Mama Angie is excited to guide you on this transformative quest.

To express your interest and discuss how you can begin this journey, please contact Mama Angie:

click the Link bellow.

Or Email her at:  [email protected]


Let’s embark on this path of healing, evolution, and ascension together.

With love and light,

Mama Angie

Book a Connect Call with Angie


 Personal Transformation with Angie! 

Angie is a Quantum Healer, Shaman, Pleiadian light worker, spiritual mentor, and teacher.

Angie's Mystical studies are based on alchemical principles, which helps transmute ordinary logic-understanding into spiritual evolution, by transcending human consciousness and the soul in harmony with the Divine.

The embodiment of her own mastery has her fully committed to her calling of providing safe and sacred space to support people on their journey of healing, self discovery, and evolution.

She is a Holistic educator, who teachings centres about bringing together ancient and modern healing modalities of various lineages to serve and teach others.

Over the years Angie has merged her teachings from her heritage, back home in South America, with many modalities inherited and learned throughout her life.

Angie is the co-founder of Vital Ki Wellness and of Vital Ki institute of Holistic Education.

In her teachings and lectures she shares the gifts of healing and transformation.

She has created several Holistic Certification Programs, Transformational Retreats, workshops, and Mentorship Programs that she has been sharing for many years.

She completed an intensive customized Shamanic studies in the Amazonian Jungle, with Shaman Ramon Alvarado of the Kichua Lineage. During the months in the Ecuadorian Jungle, she learned to work with many sacred plant medicines which helped her to appreciate her own intuitive inclination to the jungle and its powers.

Her experience with Shaman Ramon Alvarado brings full circle connection with her native journey that had begun many years back as a child, in her own native land of Colombia.

Her childhood memories as a “savage” (free) child roaming her family's land, fully connected to nature and the memories of her grandfather’s wisdom, gave her confidence to pursue her true nature's purpose.

She was trained to go deep in the Jungle in search of the sacred plants such as Chirripanga, Piton, Ayahuma, Tobacco, Ayahuasca, and many other cleansing and purifying plant medicines.
She learned ceremonial ways of picking the sacred plant and how to brew them in ways to conserve the sacredness and the magic powers of the plants.

She is also train to the sacred medicines of Kambo and Bufo. 

Her experience and knowledge bring elder wisdom, and a deep, sacred connection while serving the plant medicine.

Guided by her passion and personal desire to become empowered to serve and help heal, she wishes to convey this harmonious state of being to those who have a desire to be guided and to learn more about their spirituality.

She learned and understood that we are indeed beings of energy and not just dense mass. We are fully supported by our Pachamama, the sacred plants, Taita Inti (the Sun), beings of light and beyond.

She wishes to teach that we are connected to an infinite source of energy, that was never born and that never dies.

"Working with Angie has been...
 There is so much simplicity, love and ease to Angie’s wisdom teachings and mentorship. My life has improved significantly, her unique tactics, illustrations and timing with every lesson are perfect. I have learned so much about my true self, my life and how every experience I have is a reflector of my inner harmony of lack of.

I now know how to go about being positive and live in a manner spiritually congruent with what I know is true to me.

I implement her unique techniques everyday to achieve health, harmony and energy balance 

 I am still learning to achieve health and happiness.  With her special unique guidance, I know now that I can use my own wisdom and power to face life challenges.  

So much love goes to her."  A.E

"Angie has been such a special part of my human experience.

Her guidance and support through the years has helped me understand sense of self and others. Each moment spent in class and ceremony has always felt genuine and allowed me to hear my own voice and guidance within." A.C

"Angie, solo queria saludar y decir desde el fondo de mi corazon: estoy muy agradecido por poder cruzado del camino contigo hace un par de anos, gracias por todo lo que has hecho para mi, mi crecimiento y desarrollo espiritual. Muchas gracias por guiarme. Por todas tus enseñanzas.

Es que estaba meditando y escuchando a la canción de la ceremonia que me llevó justo al lugar de la ceremonia, al momento de servir la medicina. Tuve una ola de emoción, lloré pero a la misma vez me sentí tan bien y tan agradecido y sentí la necesidad decirte gracias." S.J

 "Angie was such a big part of my life when I needed healing.

I appreciate her so much and attribute my healing to her and her magic hands, healing power and abundance of love and prayers."  T.C

"I’m feeling great!

I have a sense of peace and knowingness that I will be okay.

Angie, thank you so much for caring about me in such loving way!"  BL.S

"It was an absolute honour to have Angie's guidance and love through my healing and holistic training experience.

Her work and dedication to mentoring, loving and healing is magical."  S.T

"Good evening my beautiful Mama Angie. I thank you so very much for sharing your thoughts with me! It’s always a pleasure hearing from you. 

I hope you are enjoying your time in Costa Rica.

I miss you. And I love you very very much. Thank you for helping me get my life back on track!!!

There is no way in the world I could’ve done it the way I did it with resilience with strength with conviction, and with honesty, the student is always learning. I love you, Angie your guidance in the Primal Consciousness program is truly making a difference in my life and I’m happy that we’re on this journey together! I love you and I am forever grateful for the first day I met you.

Thank you for always checking in. I love you and I cherish you."   C.L


Total Value Included $11,999


( + HST )


Start Your Journey!


Other Sacred Spiritual Mentoring  Programs & Certification Courses: 

  • Refining Consciousness Mentoring Program
  • Evolutionary Turning Point Mentoring Program
  • Alchemy Within Program Mentoring Program
  • Dimensional Ascension Advance Mastering Program
  • Meditation Teacher Training Program
  • Anatomy of the Spirit
  • Advance Chakra Course
  • Emotional Intelligence & the Elements
  • Reiki Level 1 & 2 Certification
  • Reiki Level 3 Certification 
  • Reiki Level 4 Master/ Teacher (Shihan- Professor) 
  • Chakra Practitioner Certification 


If you are ready to invest in your spiritual journey and align your intentions with true dedication, reach out to us. Mama Angie is excited to guide you on this transformative quest.

To express your interest and discuss how you can begin this journey, please contact Mama Angie:

Click the Link bellow.

Or Email her at:  [email protected]


Let’s embark on this path of healing, evolution, and ascension together.

With love and light,

Mama Angie

Book a Connect Call with Angie