
(Energy Medicine Woman)




Quantum  Multidimensional Transformation

Personal Development and Evolution with:

Angie Tobón






About Angie 

Angie is a Quantum healer, Spiritual Mentor with a loving holistic approach that integrates principles of quantum physics with energy healing and shamanic practices.

Her healing and teachings are based on the idea that our states of consciousness and energy fields influence our well-being.  She believes that we can access the quantum field to address physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual imbalances

Her approach is rooted in the concept that the heart, mind and body are deeply interconnected with the quantum field.

She uses her native shamanic traditions, several spiritual techniques from around the world, the connection with the Pleiades and energy medicine to promote healing, balance, spiritual growth and evolution on a high level.

Angie's Mystical studies are based on alchemical principles, which helps transmute ordinary logic-understanding into spiritual evolution, by transcending human consciousness and the soul in harmony with the Divine.

The embodiment of her own mastery has her fully committed to her calling of providing safe and sacred space to support people on their journey of healing, self discovery, and evolution.

Angie is also a Reiki Master-Teacher, Pleiadian light worker, spiritual mentor, and a Holistic educator, who teachings centres about bringing together ancient and modern healing modalities of various lineages to serve and teach others.

Over the years Angie has merged her teachings from her heritage, back home in South America, with many modalities inherited and learned throughout her life.

Angie is the co-founder of Vital Ki Wellness and of Vital Ki institute of Holistic Education.

In her teachings and lectures she shares the gifts of healing and transformation.

She has created several Holistic Certification Programs, Transformational Retreats, workshops, and Mentorship Programs that she has been sharing for many years.

She completed an intensive 1 on 1 Shamanic studies in the Amazonian Jungle, with Shaman Ramon Alvarado of the Kichua Lineage. During the months in the Ecuadorian Jungle, she learned to work with many sacred plant medicines which helped her to appreciate her own intuitive inclination to the jungle and its powers.

Her experience with Shaman Ramon Alvarado brings full circle connection with her native journey that had begun many years back as a child, in her own native land of Colombia.

Her childhood memories as a “savage” (free) child roaming her family's land, fully connected to nature and the memories of her grandfather’s wisdom, gave her confidence to pursue her true nature's purpose.

She was trained to go deep in the Jungle in search of the sacred plants such as Chirripanga, Piton, Ayahuma, Tobacco, Ayahuasca, and many other cleansing and purifying plant medicines.
She learned ceremonial ways of picking the sacred plant and how to brew them in ways to conserve the sacredness and the magic powers of the plants.

She is also train to the sacred medicines of Kambo and Bufo. 

Her experience and knowledge bring elder wisdom, and a deep, sacred connection while serving the plant medicine.

Guided by her passion and personal desire to become empowered to serve and help heal, she wishes to convey this harmonious state of being to those who have a desire to be guided and to learn more about their spirituality.

She learned and understood that we are indeed beings of energy and not just dense mass. We are fully supported by our Pachamama, the sacred plants, Taita Inti (the Sun), beings of light and beyond.

She wishes to teach that we are connected to an infinite source of energy, that was never born and that never dies.



Quantum Multidimensional Healing & Mentoring:

As a Quantum Multidimensional Healer and Spiritual Mentor, Mama Angie possesses a rare gift for accessing multiple dimensions of consciousness and channeling divine energy to facilitate profound healing shifts. 

With a genuine reverence for the divine energy of all there is, and the humility of her expertise, Mama Angie offers healing sessions and transformative spiritual teachings. 

Rooted in shamanic wisdom and complemented by her mastery of various ancient and contemporary healing modalities, she creates a sacred space for healing and transformation.

She is exceptional in guiding individuals who are truthful to their journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and spiritual awakening.



  • Sacred Wisdom Teachings  
  • Sacred Private & Group Medicine Ceremonies
  • Couples Sacred Ceremonies
  • Energy Healing Sessions
  • Sacred Geometry Sessions
  • Pleiadian Healing
  • Shamanic Healing
  • Esoteric Healing
  • Reiki
  • Pranic Healing
  • Chakra Healing
  • Sound Healing
  • Guided Meditation



Her expertise can help with many Physical, Emotional, Mental Ailments and Spiritual Transformation such as:

  • Energy Balance
  • Soul Healing
  • Spiritual Evolution
  • Self-development Mentoring & Guidance
  • Emotional Distress
  • Trauma
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Fertility
  • Hormonal Imbalances
  • Personal Transformation
  • And more…






  • Mother Plant Ceremonies
  • Tobacco Ceremonies
  • Cacao Ceremonies
  • Magic Honguitos Ceremonies
  • Kambo
  • Bufo Ceremonies
  • Full/New Moon Ceremonies
  • Special Couple Ceremonies



Special offerings



Welcome to the sacred realm of private ceremonies guided by Medicine Woman Mama Angie. 

As a Quantum Multidimensional Healer and Spiritual Mentor, with extensive study in Alchemical principles, she navigates multiple dimensions of consciousness and channels divine energy for profound transformation.

Her private shamanic ceremonies are catered to your unique physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs.  They bring a healing touch and expansion of consciousness of ancient wisdom to seekers around the world.  





Her studies in Alchemical principles help transform ordinary understanding into spiritual evolution, transcending human consciousness and aligning the soul with the Divine.

Rooted in shamanic wisdom and enhanced by various spiritual, esoteric, healing modalities and sacred medicines, she is gifted in creating a sacred space for transformation, guiding individuals on their journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. 




I have designed these ceremonies with a lot of love and consideration to the enhancing of a new better world at the fundamental base of our existence. We are living very special times with the best opportunity to be the co-creators of life we deserve.


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