A journey to exploring your Energy Syst

The Anatomy of the Spirit Certification Course

The "Anatomy of the Spirit" course dives deep into the intricate energy systems that govern our spiritual and physical well-being.

Led by spiritual mentor and teacher, Angie TobĂłn, this course combines ancient wisdom with modern insights to explore the teachings of the 7 chakras, the 3 Dantian focus centres, and the 7 layers of the Aura.

Students will gain a profound understanding of their energy anatomy, its significance, and how to harness its power for holistic healing and spiritual growth.

Course Content:

  1. The 7 Chakras:

    • Explore the ancient wisdom behind the 7 chakras, which are energy centers within the body that correspond to specific physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our being.
    • Understand the history and significance of each chakra, along with practical techniques for balancing and harmonizing their energies.
    • Learn how imbalances in the chakras can impact our health, emotions, and overall well-being, and discover methods for restoring equilibrium.
  2. The 3 Dantian Focus Centers:

    • Discover the concept of the 3 Dantian focus centers in Taoist philosophy, which represent the major energy centers within the body.
    • Dive into the history and significance of each Dantian, and learn how they contribute to our vitality, emotional resilience, and spiritual development.
    • Explore practices for cultivating and nourishing the energy within each Dantian, promoting balance and harmony in body, mind, and spirit.
  3. The 7 Layers of the Aura:

    • Uncover the mystical realm of the aura, the subtle energy field that surrounds and permeates the physical body.
    • Learn about the 7 layers of the aura and their connection to our spiritual essence, emotions, and energetic boundaries.
    • Explore techniques for cleansing, strengthening, and protecting the aura, enhancing our intuition, and deepening our connection to the divine.

Benefits of Learning Energy Anatomy:

  • Gain insight into the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, fostering holistic healing and self-awareness.
  • Develop tools for identifying and addressing energetic imbalances, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
  • Cultivate a deeper understanding of how energy flows within and around us, enhancing our ability to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience.
  • Learn techniques for protecting our energy field from external influences and energetic predators, fostering a greater sense of empowerment and inner peace.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand the significance and role of the 7 chakras, the 3 Dantian focus centers, and the 7 layers of the Aura in spiritual and energetic anatomy.
  • Develop practical skills for assessing, balancing, and harmonizing energy within the body and energy field.
  • Cultivate awareness of energetic boundaries and learn techniques for protecting and strengthening the aura.
  • Explore the connection between energy anatomy and overall health, well-being, and spiritual evolution.

Join us on a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening as we explore the profound mysteries of the energy body in the "Anatomy of the Spirit".

Unlock the secrets of your energy anatomy and embark on a path of healing, empowerment, and spiritual enlightenment.

Whether you are at the beginning of your spiritual journey or pursuing further understanding of how your are carrying your energy system, this spiritual day course is packed with knowledge, wisdom, and healing tools to help you discover the Anatomy of the Spirit.

This course is for you if you...

  • Are looking for Personal Development and the understanding of your energy system

  • Want to explore more about the functions of the 7 main energy centers in the body

  • Want to learn where in your energy system you are blocked or are losing energy

  • Want to heal and balance all aspect of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies

  • Want to learn about the functions, elements, and purposes of each Chakra

  • Want to use your Anatomy of the Spirit knowledge to heal yourself and others

Why Learn About your Energy System


Because in order to evolve to higher realms of reality, you need to know how you are carrying your energy.

Because through this course, you’ll learn to take responsibility for your own energy from a more connected and grounded place.

To learn how to identify each Chakra and apply wisdom to cultivate a more enlighten Energy System. 

To be self-sustaining and with confident live an abundant, positive and balance life. 

Get the chance to explore multiple spiritual insights with each energy center, to deepen your personal spiritual growth. 

We would love for you to join us to help yourself grow and spread the knowledge of the Chakras.


This Anatomy of the Spirit Certification Course will empower you to live the best life possible!





Vital Ki Anatomy of the Spirit Course is a certified program offering an

informative and guided approach to your Energy System. 

Our program is designed for those who want to dive deep

into their inner-selves and learn to manage their Energy wisely! 

By joining this Course, you’ll receive access to our many years of guidance to support you in the discovery and mystery of your inner being!

Online or in-person study!

The Vital Ki  Anatomy of the Spirit Certification Course is a flexible program open to anybody (worldwide!) with the desire to elevate their consciousness and evolve

The Online Study Breakdown:

  • Lessons + Meditations
  • Personal Study & Exercises 


The In-Person Study Breakdown: 

  • In class lectures 
  • Personal Study & Exercises 

In-Person Dates to be Determined: 



Anatomy of the Spirit Certification Course


In order to receive your Anatomy of the Spirit Certification,
you must complete ALL lessons and activities, 
plus the written Evaluation


Written Evaluation

Attain a passing grade on your final written test.


Upon Completion You Will...

âś“ Be an accredited and certified as having completed the

First Teachings of the Anatomy of the Spirit from the

Vital Ki Institute of Holistic Education

âś“ Have a deeper understanding of your energy system

âś“ Know how to self identify sources of discomfort and

symptoms of stress— in all Fields of your basic energy system.



 $333 (plus HST) CAD


 Certification Program.


Vital Ki Institute Cancellation Policy

100% of course fees are payable when registering

Cancellation of attendance is required a minimum of 10 days prior to the start date  of the course for full refund minus $50 admirative fee. 

If cancellation is done 7 days prior to the start date of the course,  50% will be kept for future programs or courses  and will be charged a $50 administrative fee

*No refunds 5 days prior to the start date of the course.



50% Complete

Two Step

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